Mole Solutions come to Alconbury Enterprise Campus

  • 02.10.2013
Mole Solutions come to Alconbury Enterprise Campus

Mole Solutions are using the site's flexible space to create a prototype freight pipeline system. The system is electrically powered and has a very low environmental impact.The project is supported by the Technology Strategy Board.

Roger Miles of Mole Solutions said: "The site is an ideal location for us because of the flexible space available and its excellent transport links in all directions. As well as the demonstration area, we will be making use of meeting space in the Incubator for discussions with potential investors and clients. We are very grateful for Urban&Civic's support with planning and site preparation, and can't wait to now get started building the prototype."

The Campus's Enterprise Zone status has ensured that planning for the project was processed by Huntingdonshire District Council in less than 30 days.

Tim Leathes, Project Director for Urban&Civic, said: "Mole is a great company with some exciting ideas and technologies. It is great to have them on board. We have always known the Campus is a great place for R&D companies to test and develop products, and it is good to see that vision being realised."

New and expanding companies moving to Alconbury Enterprise Campus can benefit from up to £275,000 of business rate relief, superfast broadband, a simplified and streamlined planning process, and business support packages that include business growth support, skills development and recruitment.

Jonathan Djanogly, MP for Huntingdon, said: “It was a pleasure to visit Mole Solutions earlier this year to hear about their new solution to reducing freight traffic on our busy roads and I am delighted that this innovative project will be undertaken in my constituency. I look forward to visiting them again when their new site on the Alconbury Enterprise Campus is operational.”

Grahame Nix, Chief Executive of the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Enterprise Partnership, said: “We welcome the news that Mole Solutions has chosen Alconbury Enterprise Campus as their new base. As a high tech company, supported by the Technology Strategy Board, Alconbury is an ideal location for them to carry out their R&D work. Promoting enterprise growth and innovation is a key priority of our LEP, and Alconbury Enterprise Campus is a great location to help innovative new businesses, like Mole, succeed now and in the future.”

For more information about Mole Solutions, please visit

Mole Solutions

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