LEP move to Alconbury Enterprise Campus

  • 02.08.2013
LEP move to Alconbury Enterprise Campus

The Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has relocated to Alconbury Enterprise Campus.

The team’s office overlooks the Incubator building that is emerging from the ground and which will become their permanent base from early next year. Grahame Nix, Chair of the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Enterprise Partnership, commented:

“Alconbury Weald is the ideal place for the LEP to have its offices. Located at the heart of our area, with excellent transport links, the team can easily travel across the patch to meet with businesses and partners. It also means that we are on hand to help further progress shared work with Urban&Civic and other partners to ensure that the Enterprise Zone is a success.”

In addition to the office move, the LEP has released its five core priorities for the year ahead, which are as follows:

● Enterprise Zone – Enabling the development and occupation of Alconbury Enterprise Zone● Infrastructure – Advocating and influencing improvements to our area’s transport infrastructure● Skills – Enabling business-led skills provision● Enterprise – Promoting enterprise growth and innovation● Profile – Improving international promotion, increasing inward investment and exporting.

The LEP’s 2013/14 Operational Plan puts in place £4.7 million of investment over the next 12 months to help address these five key priorities. Through this investment the LEP intend to deliver 1,200 new jobs and to help 100 growth businesses. They will also pilot new approaches to help businesses get the skills they need, and support disadvantaged people back into work through the VSE Prize Challenge Fund.

In addition to delivering this year’s key targets the team will be working with partners to build a new Strategic Growth Plan for the area and submit bids to the new Single Growth Pot and the combined funds under the EU Growth Programme 2014–2020. Groundwork to develop the strategies that underpin this work is already underway to ensure this area receives as much funding as possible to support economic growth.

You can find out more about the work of the LEP, share your views, and download a copy of their Operational Plan, by visiting:www.yourlocalenterprisepartnership.co.uk


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