Blooming lovely Open Gardens event at Alconbury Weald

  • 07.06.2024
Open Gardens

In early June, the local community and visitors gathered in full force to enjoy Alconbury Weald’s annual Open Gardens event, which featured a delightful array of gardens of varying shapes and sizes.

Over 160 visitors attended the event, which highlighted the unique beauty and charm of local gardens, showcasing the creativity and dedication of its owners, and offering inspiration and enjoyment to all who attended. From meticulously designed flower beds to whimsical garden art and serene water features, there was something for everyone to admire.

As well as a celebration of nature and community, the Open Gardens event raised around £380 for local charity, Magpas Air Ambulance, through ticket sales, donations for refreshments and general fundraising.

“In the week running up to the opening we were all doing sun dances, and the weather gods were with us as the day started in glorious sunshine and continued throughout the event. We were thrilled by the incredible turnout and the positive feedback from visitors. It's heartwarming to see our community come together to appreciate the beauty of our local gardens, while supporting a worthy cause. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all garden owners, volunteers and attendees who made this event a resounding success."

Su McKay - Event organiser from Alconbury Weald Community Association

“Refreshments were enjoyed by numerous people at one of the properties and it was lovely to meet so many people; many of whom were new to Alconbury Weald, coming from as far as Cambourne, Fenstanton, Upwood and a few from further afield who were visiting family nearby.”

"It was a stunning day and fantastic to see so many people walking about with their Open Gardens map. Each garden had its own unique charm, and lots of people remarked about how diverse they were and the inspiration they would be taking home for their own garden projects.”

Natalie Leigh-Brown - Community Development for Alconbury Weald

The Open Gardens event has become a cherished tradition in the community, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose. Plans are already underway for next year's event, promising even more gardens and opportunities to showcase fantastic features and beautiful blooms.

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