Green light for next phase of Alconbury Weald

  • 08.10.2024
Alconbury Weald Phase 2 CGI

Alconbury Weald’s second phase is cleared for take off, with planning consent for 1,500 homes on the Grange Farm area of the development and progress on the delivery of the 150 acre Prestley Park.

Following a resolution to grant planning permission in the spring, Huntingdonshire District Council has granted outline planning consent for up to 1,500 new homes, a local centre with retail and community facilities, open space and play areas. The new homes are coming forward on what was formerly the Grange Farm part of the development, which connects the former airfield to the northwest of Huntingdon.  This development will come forward as part of the second phase of Alconbury Weald, along with a new Park for the area – Prestley Park, which has also received framework approval through its own planning process.

The decision comes as the next phase of work is due to start on the southern end of the development’s spinal “Boulevard” which provides the main road, cycle and bus links through the development: the route will run from the A141 just south of the railway bridge, through the heart of the development, and connect to the existing Gateway entrance from the northern Ermine Street entrance to the development by the A1/A1307 interchange. 

The second phase of Alconbury Weald will be delivered in two stages, with the first 750 homes coming forward to the north of the site. The southern section will continue once the plans for the A141 (Huntingdon’s outer ring road) are finalised by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority.  The team will now develop the detailed designs for the homes coming forward, with plans to submit further applications in the Spring of 2025, with first homes being available in early 2026. Earthworks and early infrastructure work will happen across both the residential area of Phase two and Prestley Park, which will enable the first tree planting and work to establish species rich grassland within the Park to be rolled out in 2025. 

Alconbury Masterplan Map

“We’re really pleased to start moving forward with this exciting next phase of Alconbury Weald. The new homes in this area of the development will have a lovely setting, just next to Prestley Park, and will be well connected to both Alconbury Weald and Huntingdon, through the road, cycle and bus connections we are putting in.  This phase will open up a new southern Gateway for Alconbury Weald, and provide additional facilities for residents and the wider local area.” 

Joe Dawson - Project Director for Urban&Civic

The Application for these homes, came forward as an Outline Application, as these homes increase the scale of the original 5,000 homes consented for Alconbury Weald to 6,500. As a result of that the consent comes with a series of additional planning obligations and a Section 106 legal agreement to provide additional funding and facilities to support the extra homes. This includes £3m investment in transport infrastructure and support to continue the existing active travel programme of the development, as well as additional funding towards the planned schools and health provision on site to expand their capacity.  

The development will also deliver a net gain in biodiversity of 25% in habitat units and 150% in hedgerow units – protecting and enhancing the existing habitat features within the heavily farmed area. The overall design brings green spaces and corridors into the housing areas, to extend the parkland setting close to people’s doors.

Alconbury Weald Phase 2 CGI 2

“We’re now developing a programme of site preparation works to put in place the infrastructure needed for the homes, and we are not waiting around. Construction of the new southern access road will start in October, and this work will happen hand in hand with creating the new landform of Prestley Park, and starting to rewild the farmed areas, ahead of significant tree planting planned for 2025.”

Joe Dawson - Project Director for Urban&Civic

Further details of the works planned for the southern link road and other infrastructure will be announced as the programme is finalised.

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