Composites UK meet at Alconbury Weald

  • 19.09.2016
Composites UK meet at Alconbury Weald

Over twenty different composite companies from across the eastern region attended the Composites UK East of England regional event at Alconbury Weald on Wednesday 14th September.  Hosted jointly by Alconbury Enterprise Campus and Huntingdonshire District Council, delegates had the opportunity to discover local business support from organisations including the DIT (formerly UKTI) and the GCGPEP (LEP) presenting information around funding and business consultancy.

Showcasing at the event were presentations from local success stories in the composites sector – those working in the supply chain in the manufacture, supply and use of carbon or glass fibre components - with updates from companies including TRB Lightweight Structures, Encocam, AIM Altitude, Ecotechnilin and Granta Design.  Delegates also had a chance to hear about the developments at Alconbury Weald and from IKO, the newest addition to the business community there who will be opening its UK headquarters in 2017.

Rebecca Britton from site owners and developers, Urban&Civic said: “Hosting events like this is what the Campus really excels at.  We see one of the benefits of moving to Alconbury Weald is that you become part of the community here and share ideas, innovation and best practise amongst other companies.”

Sue Bedlow also commented:  “We were delighted to welcome this Composites UK event and demonstrate both the existing strengths in this sector within our local economy and the assistance available to support further growth of established and new companies.”

Claire Whysall, Communications Manager at Composites UK concluded; “This was our first regional event in the East of England where the welcome and support we received from Urban&Civic and Huntingdonshire District Council was phenomenal. With a cluster of composites companies in the area, the event was a perfect opportunity to bring them together with other companies in the locality.

Alconbury Enterprise Campus will deliver a high quality low carbon Enterprise Campus - creating 8000 jobs. Plans for the site also include provision of 5000 homes of mixed size, price and tenure; 700 acres of green open space; and investment in a range of transport, energy and community facilities to support both the new residents and the surrounding town and villages.

Picture: Alison Gamble, Urban&Civic, Claire Whysall, Composites UK, Tim Sweatman, EcoTechnilin, Sue Bedlow, HDC, Tim Harrison, TRB, Stella Job, Composites UK, Helen Dighton, Encocam

Invest HuntingdonshireComposites UK

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