Development Management Panel Recommendation: Alconbury Weald statement

  • 22.10.2013
Development Management Panel Recommendation: Alconbury Weald statement

On Monday 21 October, Huntingdonshire District Council's Development Management Panel voted to support the principle and general form of the proposed Alconbury Weald development, as set out in the Outline application (ref 1201158OUT). It approved the recommendation that the Assistant Director for Environment, Growth and Planning continues to negotiate obligations and conditions which will establish the Development Framework by which Alconbury Weald will be bought forward. Robin Butler, Managing Director for Urban&Civic - the owners and developers of Alconbury Weald - said: "We welcome the recommendation of the Development Management Panel for Alconbury Weald.

Existing support from the District and County Council for the Enterprise Zone has enabled us to make significant early investment in new entrances and the Incubator building.

The recommendation means we will now move forward with the timing and phasing of housing, schools, transport infrastructure, green space and community buildings for the site as a whole.

We anticipate that detailed plans for the first phase of housing and business space will be submitted in early 2014."

Further details about the meeting are available from the Development Management Panel meeting web pages of the District Council website.

DMP meetingAlconbury Weald Outline Application

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