Doing business in Turkey

  • 12.06.2013
Doing business in Turkey

An event designed to show local businesses how to do business effectively in Turkey was held at Alconbury Weald today (May 13th).

The event was organised and run by Huntingdonshire Manufacturers’ Association in partnership with UK Trade&Investment (UKTI), the Government agency which works with UK-based businesses to help them succeed in international markets.

The event marked the launch of a UKTI-supported trade mission from the East of England which will visit Turkey in 2014.   A number of leading market specialists from a wide variety of backgrounds were assembled on the day to help any businesses thinking of joining the mission.  There were also two experts on Turkey who were able to share their knowledge of the market and the various techniques they used to break into the Turkish market.

Stuart Gibbons, Chairman of Huntingdonshire Manufacturers Association, said ‘Turkey is a vibrant and exciting nation offering great business opportunities for those who can see it as more than a holiday destination.  The average age of Turkish citizens is 29, compared with 38 for the UK; this younger generation is keen to engage with International Brands and offer a workforce keen and able to develop business opportunities.’

A presentation on the practical implications of Turkey’s planned EU accession and its strong trade position in relation to its Near East neighbours was followed by case studies from businesses who have been successful in Turkey.

Grahame Nix, Chair of the Greater Cambridge and Greater Peterborough Enterprise Partnership, who also supported the event said: “This event demonstrated both the diversity of businesses locally who are looking to reach global markets, and the way that partners across the LEP area are working together to support both the ambitions and inherent strength of this area’s economy. With the designation and development of Alconbury Enterprise Campus as an Enterprise Zone for our area it will play an increasingly important role in facilitating the exchange of information and ideas for businesses in the region.”

Huntingdon Manufacturers AssociationUKTI ExportGCGPEP

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