Water Works

  • 12.01.2017
Water Works

As part of the investment in water infrastructure to support the new homes in Alconbury Weald, Urban&Civic will be putting in place a new connection for drinking and foul water, which will connect the site to the existing infrastructure in Huntingdon.

The route of the works will all be within the Alconbury Weald land ownership, and will run across the edge of Grange Farm fields - following the route shown below. In time this route will be used to connect up with pedestrian and cycle connections to the Town, as part of later works to create a safe access route for cyclists and pedestrians from Alconbury Weald down to and across the A141.

The route of the work has been designed to ensure no impact on some of the historic ridge and furrow features of Grange Farm, and the contractor Breheny has worked with Urban&Civic to minimise impact on local residents and to ensure permanent access to the Rights of Way routes during the work.

All construction traffic will be routed through the former airfield and Grange Farm tracks, but a temporary construction “haul road” will be put in place along the route to enable plant access, with fencing and signage in place along the route while work is being undertaken.

Click here to download a more detailed version of the map below.


Rebecca Britton, Communities, Communications and Partnerships for Urban&Civic, said:

"There is a fair amount of digging out we need to do along this strip to get all of the foundations in place which the pipeworks need, so Breheny will be working on a 10m wide strip along the length of the connection, to have all of the equipment they need in place. This approach will also ensure we can minimise construction traffic on local roads, by routing everything from Breheny’s centre on site along this temporary construction route.”

The work has started and continue until June. Securing fencing, signage and contact numbers will be displayed along the rolling programme of works during the 6 months process.

James Stevenson, Contracts Manager for Breheny added:

“At Breheny we work hard to minimise the disruption that these important infrastructure works cause. While we will not be holding up any traffic this time, we are conscious that many local people enjoy walking across the footpaths and bridleways across the Farm, and we will be working hard to ensure these are accessible at all times during the works.”

If anyone has any concerns or questions about the works please contact Urban&Civic on 01480 413141, or speak to Jon Cash at Breheny on 07970 969 772.

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