Stukeleys' Heritage Group

  • 26.09.2012
Stukeleys' Heritage Group

The Stukeleys' Heritage Group invites everyone in our villages to take part in discovering what our ancestors left behind!↵↵We are going to do some field walking to look for finds uncovered by ploughing on the proposed allotments site at the top of Owl End.↵↵Meet in the car park of Great Stukeley Village Hall for a briefing at 10.00am on Saturday 3rd November. After which we will walk to the site. Bring suitable footwear and some bags for finds.↵↵We will have an archaeological expert on hand to help us identify finds. Metal detectors are also OK if you have one and wish to use it.↵↵No need to book, just turn up!↵↵Grateful thanks to Urban&Civic for allowing this to take place on their land and especially to Rebecca Britton for all her help in setting it up.↵↵Michael Monk↵Convener, Stukeleys’ Heritage Group↵01480 455634

Stukeleys' Heritage Group

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