New Community celebrate Pancake Day at Ermine Street Church Academy

  • 03.03.2017
New Community celebrate Pancake Day at Ermine Street Church Academy

Around 60 local residents and children joined staff at Ermine Street Church Academy on Shrove Tuesday to enjoy pancake races and other activities.  Due to the biting wind, and potential for pancake-tossing turbulence, the races took place in the school’s main hall.

The children at Ermine Street Church Academy have been learning about the significance of Lent, and one of the activities was to write a promise tag of what they would be giving up, thinking about or improving over the next 40 days.  As well as a number of children trying to give up chocolate, other promises included trying to give up a favourite teddy, helping set the table and thinking about people caring for animals.

Adrian Shepherd, Head of Ermine Street Church Academy, said:

“It was great to see so many local people join us and make the event a truly community one.  The children (and parents!) really enjoyed the races – pancake flipping and egg and spoon.  We’d like to thank everyone who came along to support us and are looking forward to more activities in the coming weeks.”

As well as the races, children and adults enjoyed pancakes and a range of soft drinks and there was an Easter Egg colouring competition for adults as well as children, with the most artistic receiving a prize.

Rebecca Britton, Communities and Partnerships for Urban&Civic - the master developers of Alconbury Weald – and a Governor at the School, said:

“The event was a great idea and it is brilliant to see the school at the heart not just of the new community, but bringing together residents from the neighbouring villages and businesses from the Campus too.”

To find out more about Ermine Street Church Academy and future events, visit or follow on Twitter @Ermine_Str_CA

Ermine Street Church Academy

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