Jobs and apprenticeship opportunities showcased in St Neots

  • 12.07.2017
Jobs and apprenticeship opportunities showcased in St Neots

As part of its remit to help local people find work and businesses recruit and develop staff, EDGE is holding a Jobs and Apprenticeship Fair from 10am to 2pm on Friday, 16 June at the Priory Centre in St Neots.

Huntingdonshire businesses exhibiting at the Fair are recruiting for jobs and promoting apprenticeship opportunities in a range of sectors including care, catering, hospitality, hairdressing, distribution, civil engineering, composites, construction and manufacturing.

Huntingdon Regional College, Cambridge Regional College and West Anglia Training Association will also be at the Fair to provide training and careers advice.

Julie Drummond from EDGE said: “We have a very diverse range of businesses exhibiting at this year’s event, which demonstrates the range of opportunities in the Huntingdonshire district.  The businesses in attendance have real job vacancies they are looking to fill as well as apprenticeship schemes, which provide young people with a fantastic opportunity to earn money while developing skills within a structured programme of work.”

The Fair is being organised with St Neots Learning Partnership and St Neots Town Council to show recent school leavers and job seekers the range of careers opportunities available in the area.

EDGE is a jobs and skills partnership that works with Alconbury Enterprise Campus and businesses in across the region to help them find the people the need, and give local people the skills they need to fill those vacancies.For more information, please visit EDGE in St Benedict’s Court, Huntingdon between 10am and 4pm on Wednesdays, call 01480 435654 or visit


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