Incubator scoops another award for building excellence

  • 20.06.2014
Incubator scoops another award for building excellence

Alconbury Weald’s Incubator has scooped a second award just months after opening. The building was named last week as the East Anglia Region Winner of Best Commercial Building by the Local Authority Building Control, and praised for it’s building excellence in the delivery of outstanding construction and workmanship.

Tim Leathes, Urban&Civic, said:

"The Incubator is our first building so we knew the design had to be visually stunning. But we also wanted the building to represent the values of the broader Alconbury Weald development with strong environmental features, a real focus on good craftsmanship and quality materials. We're pleased and proud of the team that delivered that and that it is being recognised with awards like this."

Dennis Cotton, Construction Director at Kier - the company who built the Incubator -  said:

"We are committed to the development of the local economy and we were consequently delighted to be involved at the start of this flagship development, which promises to deliver for local businesses and local people. It was a particularly interesting build as the transparent and stripped back nature of the internal spaces meant that quality of materials and workmanship were essential, and incorporating green technologies such as rainwater harvesting and flexible ventilation systems sits well with both our client's environmental aspirations for the development and our own sustainable construction commitments."

Philip Turner, from architects Allford Hall Monaghan Morris added:

"We are delighted that the Alconbury Incubator has been recognised with this award. We have worked closely with Urban&Civic to design innovative and desirable work space to attract local companies to Alconbury Weald. The Incubator has now established a new benchmark for economical and enjoyable offices and set a strong architectural precedent for further development in the future."

The fact that the Incubator is already 80% full shows businesses agree.

The building will now go forward to the national finals. The award will sit alongside the British Council for Offices award won earlier this year.

Companies interested in taking space in the Building should call Andy Brading at Savills on 01480 413141.


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