Family Fun workshop with Wood Green, the Animal Charity

  • 24.04.2018
Family Fun workshop with Wood Green, the Animal Charity

Wood Green, the Animals Charity, held a workshop during the Easter break for residents in Alconbury Weald and the surrounding area to make fun toys, hay kebabs and other treats for their pets and the rabbits, guinea pigs and other animals looking for homes at the rehoming centre.

Over 80 people attended the free event at Ermine Street Church Academy school hall on 3 April 2018.  As well as making fishing rod toys for cats, hay kebabs for rabbits and guinea pigs and dog biscuit tubes, the children enjoyed colouring, dressing up and vet role play, which included microchip scanning on soft animal toys.  There was also free face painting for all ages.

Jenny Metson from Wood Green said:

“We usually run events like this at our Godmanchester centre and it was great to take this event to the Alconbury Weald community during the Easter holidays.  It’s really important for us to help people who have pets or are thinking about getting a pet to understand how to enrich their lives; when they are spending time by themselves as well as during time with the family.”

Steph Burton from Alconbury Weald master developer Urban&Civic said:

“It was a fantastic event and it was great to see all ages actively participating and having such great fun.  Pets are such an important part of many families and understanding their needs and how to give them the best possible lives is really important.  People who attended and didn’t have pets generously donated their creations back to Wood Green, the Animals Charity.”

Wood Green Animal Charity

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