Exam Results - what next?

  • 12.08.2016
Exam Results - what next?

The wait is nearly over and it won’t be long before GCSE and A Level students know the results of all their hard work and study.  For some, this will mark the next step in a planned journey to further education or employment.  But for many, it will be a time for reflection as they consider, what next?

To help answer this question, EDGE Sharper Skills for Enterprise (EDGE) has supplemented its team with an experienced careers advisor and will be holding an event on 31 August to provide guidance and support on a range of options including further education and vocational learning (such as apprenticeships) as well as careers and employment.

Alison Betts, Senior Transition Advisor for Huntingdonshire at Cambridgeshire County Council has joined the EDGE team and will be providing impartial careers, education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) for young people aged 15-18 years who are not in education, employment or training and need guidance with future career options.

Alison said: “Working with EDGE is an exciting opportunity to offer a joined up and holistic approach that will provide the best service possible for young people in Huntingdonshire. I will be at the EDGE shop in Huntingdon every Wednesday through the summer to help explain the education, training and careers opportunities available in the local area.”

EDGE is also holding an open day from 10am to 4pm on Wednesday, 31 August at its shop in St Benedict’s Court, Huntingdon for young people needing advice about their options after receiving their exam results.  No appointment is needed and all are welcome.

As well as careers guidance advisors, there will be representatives from Huntingdon and Peterborough Regional Colleges, College of Animal Welfare, College of West Anglia and West Anglia Training Association (WATA) available to offer guidance and support.

EDGE is a jobs and skills partnership that works with Alconbury Enterprise Campus and businesses in the region to help local people find work and businesses recruit and develop staff.

For more information about EDGE or the event on 31 August, please contact Rachel Kelly on 01480 413 141 or email info@sharperskills.co.uk.

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