Ermine Street Enhancements: proposals shared

  • 01.03.2016
Ermine Street Enhancements: proposals shared

As part of the infrastructure investment unlocked by the Alconbury Weald development, up to £1m will be invested in environmental enhancements along Ermine Street through the Stukeleys villages. The scheme aims to both provide a more rural setting for the road, and in turn deter cars from driving through the villages as a “quick rat run”. The work will be carried out in parallel with Highways England investment in the new A14 and in the current A14 route which will become part of the local road network into Huntingdon and beyond.

Plans for these enhancements have been developed in partnership with the County and District Council Highways teams, and through a working group on traffic issues led by representatives from the Parish Council.

A series of public events have been organised by Urban&Civic and Stukeleys’ Parish Council to share the proposals before they are finalised, and to talk through the principles and process behind the planned work.

The events are being held at•Little Stukeley Village Hall : Monday 29 February :  1530 – 2000•Great Stukeley Village Hall : Wednesday 2 March :  1500 – 2000•Alconbury Weald Club Building: Friday 4 March:     1500 – 2000

A full copy of the display boards are available here, along with a table-top plan which shows the length of the road and works proposed. A feedback form to log your comments can also be printed off here or comments can be sent direct to Rebecca at

The enhancements need to be in place before the 250th home is occupied at Alconbury Weald, which is likely to be in the first half of 2018.

For further information about these events or to talk through the plans, please email or call the team on 01480 413141.

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