EDGE onto the first step of the careers ladder

  • 08.03.2017
EDGE onto the first step of the careers ladder

As part of the 10th anniversary of National Apprenticeship Week (6-10 March 2017), EDGE Sharper Skills for Enterprise is holding an event to help local young people and their parents understand the opportunities apprenticeships provide to earn money while gaining qualifications and learning skills in a practical environment. The event will run from 3pm to 7.30pm on Wednesday, 8 March 2017 at the EDGE shop in Huntingdon.

The theme of National Apprenticeship Week 2017 is the ‘Ladder of Opportunity’ and EDGE is holding the event to focus on the opportunities and progression routes of apprenticeships. Apprenticeships are open to all ages and EDGE is particularly keen to show young people who have recently left or about to leave education – and their parents – the opportunities available on their doorstep in a wide range of sectors including construction, manufacturing and engineering,

Rachel Kelly from EDGE partner, Groundwork said: “National Apprenticeship Week is all about celebrating traineeships and apprenticeships and the positive impacts they have on individuals, companies and the wider economy.  Apprenticeships provide an alternative approach to education and career development and we are fortunate that our region has such a wide range of businesses in different sectors looking to recruit and develop staff in this way.”

Rebecca Britton, Communities and Partnerships for Urban&Civic, the master developers of Alconbury Weald, said: “EDGE does an amazing job bringing together job seekers, training providers and businesses to recruit and develop apprentices.  A number of our contractors and businesses at Alconbury Weald run successful apprenticeship programmes and value the opportunities they provide to invest in and develop the talent on our doorstep. The event will be a great chance for people to just drop in for an informal chat and find out more.”

EDGE has organised the event as part of its on-going remit to help local businesses develop training and skills programmes to address their current and future staffing needs as well as providing local people with advice about careers and development opportunities in the area. The free service aims to match local people into the local opportunities across a growing local economy. Partners include Urban&Civic, the owners and developers of Alconbury Weald, Huntingdonshire District Council’s Economic Development Team, Jobcentre Plus, the local regional colleges and the National Careers Service.

For more information, please call 01480 435654, email info@sharperskills.co.uk or visit the website: www.sharperskills.co.uk


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