EDGE Careers Fair

  • 05.10.2016
EDGE Careers Fair

Thursday 15th December 2016

9.30 am - 3.30 pm

Wood Green, Godmanchester, Cambs, PE29 2NH

The annual EDGE Careers Fair brings together local businesses and secondary school pupils together to showcase companies, products and services, talk more about individual sectors and find out more detail about different types of industry.

If you are a local business looking to connect with your future workforce, this is the ideal event for you to talk to young people about the skills you are looking for and what career paths they are looking for.

All Huntingdonshire secondary schools have been invited and EDGE is providing transport to and from the venue, together with a pre-school assembly to talk to pupils about the event.

If you would like to book a free place at the event contact Julie Drummond on 01480 388459 or email julie.drummon@huntingdonshire.gov.uk

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