Breakthrough for first homes and school at Alconbury Weald

  • 01.09.2015
Breakthrough for first homes and school at Alconbury Weald

Progress continues on the first housing at Alconbury Weald, with work starting to put in place the road connection to the first homes. The move marks the first breakthrough of the 11 mile security fence of the former airfield site.

The new road connection will open up into a landscaped area with ponds, trees and green space, which will provide an attractive setting for the first homes and Primary School. The access will not be formally opened until Spring next year, but needs to be made now to enable the road connection and infrastructure to be put in place for when the first homes start to be built in November.

While the connections are being made there will be some traffic management in place along Ermine Street. This will be between the northern end of Little Stukeley Village and the A14 eastbound slip road, starting on Monday 7th September and running until  30th November, Mondays to Fridays. There will be two way traffic signals between the hours of 9.30am and 3.30pm, to minimise traffic delays. From 5th October to 30th November there will be, in addition to the traffic signals, a 30 mph temporary speed limit on vehicles passing through the road works.

Tim Leathes, Development Director at Urban&Civic, said:

“It is good to see all of the planning discussions we have been having, now moving into delivery. We now have a number of local companies working on site to deliver these early works with Breheny working on the new infrastructure; RG Carter building the Club on the Enterprise Campus; Morgan Sindall building the new school; and Hopkins Homes starting on site soon on the homes.”

“We know some of the roadworks associated with the works will cause some inconvenience, and we have been working with Breheny to minimise the impacts and do the work as efficiently and considerately as possible”.

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