Alconbury Weald takes a step forward: Section 106 signed

  • 14.10.2014
Alconbury Weald takes a step forward: Section 106 signed

Huntingdonshire District Council confirmed today (1 October 2014) the grant of further phases of the continued growth plans for the redevelopment of Alconbury Weald.   This permission includes a Section 106 legal agreement which will help ensure that enhanced facilities are provided and the impact of the development, including traffic, is properly mitigated.  The agreement will also ensure that the needs of future residents are met, delivering new community facilities, schools and open spaces alongside scope for up to 5,000 new homes and significant areas of employment opportunities to secure new jobs. Councillor Jason Ablewhite, the Council’s Executive Leader, said:

“This is an important day for the District and marks a huge step forward in our growth plans for Huntingdonshire, meeting two of the Council’s key priorities; a strong local economy and enabling sustainable growth.  This has been a complex process and involved much hard work, flexibility and energy from many people.  It also results from constructive dialogue with the existing community including the local Parish Councils.  The decision secures a comprehensive planning consent across the Enterprise Zone and will enable the delivery of new housing, jobs and associated facilities that our District needs.  With our partners, including the County Council and the Highways Agency, we have agreed a broad package of funding obligations with the developer to ensure that Alconbury Weald will truly be an outstanding place to live and work.” Urban&Civic have followed the signing of the S106 Legal Agreement, by submitting further detail that defines the first phase of development at Alconbury Weald. This phase will include some 880 dwellings and 80,000 square metres of commercial floor space with supporting green space and community facilities including a primary school. There will be a chance for members of the public to have a look at the design and infrastructure to deliver that phase and to talk with the development team at two public events later this month. Project Director Tim Leathes said: “This is an incredibly exciting time for the project as we move from the planning stage to delivery.  Thanks to the positive cooperation between U&C, Huntingdonshire District Council and Cambridgeshire County Council we have been able to continue the momentum for Alconbury Weald and we fully anticipate being able to commence the first homes on site in summer 2015.”

Neil Darwin, Interim Chief Executive at the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Enterprise Partnership (LEP), said:

“Alconbury Weald is set to become a leading employment hub within the LEP area, providing a wide range of new jobs alongside new homes, education and community facilities. We are pleased that planning permission has been granted to enable the development to progress further and look forward to working with Urban&Civic to make Alconbury Weald a national exemplar Enterprise Zone.” To find out more come along to the events at : Little Stukeley Village Hall, Low Road, Little Stukeley    23 October 3-8pmThe Incubator, Alconbury Weald                                       24 October 3-8pm The information will also be available in Alconbury Weald's Information Exchange in St Benedicts Court, Huntingdon, each Wednesday, 10am-4pm during November. Any further information please call Rebecca Britton on 01480 413141, email or view the website at Background Note The permission is for: up to 290,000 sqm of employment floor space;  up to 5,000 dwellings, including sheltered/extra care accommodation; a mixed use hub and mixed use neighbourhood facilities, including retail, commercial, leisure, health, place of worship and community uses; non-residential institutions including primary schools, nurseries, a secondary school and land reserved for post 16 education provision; open spaces, woodlands and sports provision; retention of listed buildings; new vehicular access points from Ermine Street and the A141, with other new non-vehicular access points; associated infrastructure; reserve site for a railway station and ancillary uses; and associated demolition and groundworks. More information here

Outline Application submitted

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