Alconbury Village Allotments get water after 6 years of drought

  • 13.09.2015
Alconbury Village Allotments get water after 6 years of drought

After 2000 days, Alconbury Allotments finally has a reliable water supply thanks to support from local companies.

Until now local residents have either collected rainwater, or transported every drop by wheelbarrow from home. Previous attempts to get water have included solar pumps and two 10m wells. Both schemes yielded just a dribble.

That the Association now has a mains water supply is largely due to the great generosity of three local companies. Urban&Civic - the owners and developers of Alconbury Weald - and Breheny worked together to dig the 300m trench, while Huntingdon company GPS Ltd provided the pipe-work.

Alconbury Allotments are very popular with local residents of all ages. The 50 plots provide fruit and vegetables for over 20% of village residents. Allotment holders are delighted with their new water supply. Nigel Murphy a plot holder commented: "This is excellent, I am a very happy bunny!"


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