Alconbury Airfield: public exhibitions

  • 06.10.2012
Alconbury Airfield: public exhibitions

As an opportunity to explain the Outline Application to be submitted over the Summer, the plans will set out the principles of developing the brownfield site into Alconbury Weald: home to an Enterprise Zone creating 8000 jobs, 700 acres of green space including planting over half a million trees, 5000 high quality low carbon homes, and investment in green energy and sustainable travel.

The events are at:

  • Alconbury Memorial Hall 20 June, 2-10pm
  • Abbots Ripton Village Hall 22 June, 2-9pm
  • Little Stukeley Village Hall 26 June, 4-7pm
  • Great Stukeley Village Hall 27 June, 2-10pm
  • Huntingdonshire Regional College (as part of Unity in the Community) 14 July, 11am-3pm

The application has been developed after input from over 2500 people who came to the Design Enquiry. A 50 page Design Enquiry Report is available to download on the right or from the Urban&Civic office on 01480 413141.

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